48 laws of power law 9
48 laws of power law 9

48 laws of power law 9

It is these long a repetitive tasks that makes us sharpen our sword for wielding in a world full of unmasterful types. One quote that I remember roughly said, "The cause of all man's problems are due to his inability to sit alone, in a room, for many hours." This "druge-work" is a powerful duty we all have in anything that we may be trying to get better at.

48 laws of power law 9

The turning point for me was something that I am currently benefiting from. If you could sum up The 50th Law in three words, what would they be? He makes a few cameo appearances here and there, but basically it's only tangentially related to him. I was expecting this to be more about 50 Cent. What is the worst that could happen? What IF I lost it all, and had to get it back? Would I work even harder if I had nothing to lose? I really should spend time thinking about life, death, and all the things I need to do now and now wait until it's too late. What insight do you think you’ll apply from The 50th Law? It was very easy to differentiate Robert Greene from Curtis Jackson. This will take a while to sink in and be digested.ĭid 50 Cent and Robert Greene do a good job differentiating all the characters? How? It's not something you can ingest in 1 or 2 days. What was one of the most memorable moments of The 50th Law?ĭid I mention this book is deep. This book aimed to unlock fears we all have and allow us to unleash our success by getting rid of them. The last chapter has to do with confronting our own mortality. What did you love best about The 50th Law?

48 laws of power law 9

I can honestly say that by trying some of the techniques in this book I have seen a significant positive change in my dealings with people both in business and everyday life. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a new approach to their business strategy and or life in general. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I learned from this book that is packed with psychology and words of wisdom.

48 laws of power law 9

Input that is well thought out and well versed. Robert Greene does most of the writing in this piece but not without a significant amount of input from Curtis. The book loosely follows 50's rise to success but mainly focuses on other people from throughout history that have succeeded despite naysayers Their techniques that Curtis applied and the philosophy behind being fearless yet smart. This is a book that does not glorify the unfavorable acts in 50's life but takes an objective stance on the events of his life. Except when doing so is not such a good idea!ĭon't be fooled by the rapper/gangster appearance of 50 Cent. What raised him above others then becomes the source of his downfall." Be bold and fearless. He is not strong enough to adapt he is a prisoner of his fixed nature. But then, very shortly he cautions against being too rigid: "A leader can come to power through acts of boldness, but when the times shift and require something more cautious, he generally will continue with his bold approach. The following are literal quotes form the book: "Napoleon Bonaparte represents a classic fearless type." "Your goal is to follow the path of Napoleon." "There are no Alps and no obstacles that can stand in the way of a person without fears." Ok. He extols the virtue of Napoleon Bonaparte. And then uses another random event from history to bolster a contradictory point of view. Where I take exception is when author uses random events from history to bolster a particular point of view. I have no issues with the overall central theme. Don't complain about your current situation, accept reality completely and do everything in your power to move forward. The overall theme of the book is good - be fearless.

48 laws of power law 9