Pulsar lost colony steam discussion
Pulsar lost colony steam discussion

pulsar lost colony steam discussion

Teleport down to the surfaces of planets where you may face extreme environments and dangerous creatures.

pulsar lost colony steam discussion

The strategies you use are up to you-or your Captain.Embark on missions, investigate abandoned stations, and scavenge for components that could aid you in your voyage.


Along with fixing a bunch of bugs, the update released on February 15 swapped out their voice chat system to use Photon Voice as a backend. Reroute power between ship systems, operate turrets, run powerful programs, scan enemy vessels for information to give you an edge in battle, or start up the warp drive to escape a fight you cannot win. The co-op spaceship crew simulator PULSAR: Lost Colony got a nice little update recently, with some of the focus being on the Linux version and being ready for the Steam Deck. Coordination between your crewmembers is essential to survive the perils that await you.Control the various stations that run your ship. Each player assumes a role aboard the ship: Captain, Pilot, Scientist, Weapons Specialist and Engineer.

pulsar lost colony steam discussion

Team up to operate a starship and explore a randomized galaxy falling into chaos.

Pulsar lost colony steam discussion